
Here in the south of England, we started our day with a dusting of icy snow on the ground and it was a cold reminder of something I've been telling myself for months: come Winter, I would get back to writing.
We had a big summer that quickly rolled into school and visitors and weekend trips and more visitors and holidays and, and, and...
And all the colourful colorful details that make up a life. 

Here are some of my favorite colorful photos from the past 9 months:

My favorite cottage on Frog Lane here in Tunbridge Wells

Modern stained glass in Caterbury Cathedral

Bridges of Bruges, Belgium

 Sunset view from our Airbnb in Bruges

Fleurs de Paris 

Sunny day in Covent Garden, London

Beginnings of my sun catcher collection

 Touring the smallest house in Great Britain, Conwy, Wales

Italianate resort village of Portmerion on the coast of Wales

Galloping through the gardens of Kenilworth Castle, England 

Highland Gathering in Scotland

Sitting atop a cannon at Stirling Castle, Scotland

Smelling the flowers of the Palace of Holyrood, Edinburgh 

Market day in Bayeux, Normandy, France 

Exploring Bayeux

In Hampton Court Palace, England

 Art Nouveau of Amsterdam

 Christmastime dining in London

The skies may be gray in the Winter days still to come, but this little walk down memory lane was a great reminder that the color I seek will return.  In the meantime, I'll just have to remember that our life, even all bundled up for the Winter, is still pretty colourful as it is. :)
