2 Months

Today marks 2 months since we arrived, running on adrenaline and hope, in the United Kingdom.

We've crossed off the following tasks from our to-do list:

-- Find a home

-- Furnish a home

-- Open a UK bank account & set up utilities /cell plans /internet. (None were simple)

-- Get big kids enrolled in good schools

-- Fulfill J's birthday promise of going to Legoland

-- Buy school uniforms and supplies

(J's rugby uniform for outdoor PE. He likes the clothes, just not the fact that I'm taking a photo)

-- Make a new friends

-- Take K to Paris

-- Get Grace back on a good schedule

-- All kids sleeping though the night and Grace is napping

-- Find an occasional babysitter

-- Explore new places in London

-- Practice driving

-- Buy a car (just today!)

-- Entertain guests

and last but not least, learn how to make pancakes from scratch. (Important for our weekends!)

The next two months will be exciting with school beginning, but hopefully we will have a little less on our to-do list!


  1. Wow, you have accomplished a lot in your short time!! Glad things are going well for you!


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