
"It's not where it's supposed to be."
No, that carton of eggs was on the shelf, not in the cooled dairy section.
Several years ago I read that Europeans didn't refrigerate their eggs, but here we were still hunting for them in the cold section during our first grocery trip in the U.K. Turns out those eggs were on an end cap. These eggs are with the baking items like bread flour.

Not where they're "supposed" to be, but there nonetheless.
Same goes for my clothes right now. They're not supposed to be in piles crowding a fireplace or in a bathtub, but there they will stay until we build the wardrobe tomorrow.

Grace isn't supposed to wear a dress for two days in a row, including overnight. She isn't supposed to have her dirty feet on our clean sheets. But this is a battle we aren't going to fight yet.

Again, not supposed to happen, but happening nonetheless.
I've said "It's not supposed to be this way" many times and am slowly starting to accept the "but it's happening nonetheless" part with every day that passes.
Sometimes with a heavy groan and others with a smile... much like this proper gentleman who chivalrously carried home in his hat the two lemons we stopped to buy after my purse was stuffed full of papers and jackets.

Besides, what "happens nonetheless" is where plans end and life's adventures begin.


  1. Such a treat to read about your day!

    1. You're king to have a lot of stories from this summer too!

  2. Hello - I've just come across your blog and I live in TW, so, really nice to see it from 'fresh eyes'.
    I do hope you are settling in okay? The Grove is a lovely part of town, one of the best :)
    Good luck with your new life. If you need any tips - just let me know.
    PS - you will never find eggs in the fridge over here ! ;)

    1. Thank you so much! Yes, we are starting to settle in nicely. Really the complications these days are mostly centered on my toddler. Her behavior has been very unpredictable since moving!

  3. When life gives you lemons...they are carried home by a handsome young man in his hat! ❤️


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